Reaching and Enrolling OOSC Including Refugee Boys and Girls in Schools in Uganda (Rising)
Project Status

Education Above All, through its global programme, Educate A Child, partnered with Plan International to provide access to quality primary education to 100,000 out of school children, particularly girls and refugees living in marginalised communities throughout Uganda. This four-year initiative, Reaching and Enrolling OOOSC Including Refugee Boys and Girls in Schools in Uganda (RISING), aims to support marginalized refugee communities in realising their right to a safe, inclusive, child-friendly, gender-responsive quality primary education.
Specific project strategy and activities include: 1) community engagement through awareness-raising initiatives and dialogue sessions; 2) establishing village savings and loan associations and community managed savings groups; 3) Â training and mentoring children in gender equality; 4) constructing/rehabilitating school infrastructure and WASH facilities; 5) providing furniture and learning materials; 6) implementing school-feeding programmes; 7) training teachers and guidance counsellors, school management committees, parent-teacher associations, student council members, and district education officers to support school improvement plans that address OOSC challenges, enrolment campaigns, and the mapping and identification of OOSC.
- Poverty
- Socio-cultural discrimination
- Refugee Status
- Lack of school infrastructure
- Conflict & displacement
- Promotion of savings and income-generating activities
- Community mobilisation & capacity building
- Construction of temporary learning spaces
- Rehabilitation of classrooms and WASH facilities
- Psychosocial support