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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Reaching and Enrolling OOSC Including Refugee Boys and Girls in Schools in Uganda (Rising)

Project Status


Education Above All, through its global programme, Educate A Child, partnered with Plan International to provide access to quality primary education to 100,000 out of school children, particularly girls and refugees living in marginalised communities throughout Uganda. This four-year initiative, Reaching and Enrolling OOOSC Including Refugee Boys and Girls in Schools in Uganda (RISING), aims to support marginalized refugee communities in realising their right to a safe, inclusive, child-friendly, gender-responsive quality primary education.

Specific project strategy and activities include: 1) community engagement through awareness-raising initiatives and dialogue sessions; 2) establishing village savings and loan associations and community managed savings groups; 3)  training and mentoring children in gender equality; 4) constructing/rehabilitating school infrastructure and WASH facilities; 5) providing furniture and learning materials; 6) implementing school-feeding programmes; 7) training teachers and guidance counsellors, school management committees, parent-teacher associations, student council members, and district education officers to support school improvement plans that address OOSC challenges, enrolment campaigns, and the mapping and identification of OOSC.


  • Poverty
  • Socio-cultural discrimination
  • Refugee Status
  • Lack of school infrastructure
  • Conflict & displacement


  • Promotion of savings and income-generating activities
  • Community mobilisation & capacity building
  • Construction of temporary learning spaces
  • Rehabilitation of classrooms and WASH facilities
  • Psychosocial support
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