Girl Child Network

Girl Child Network (GCN) is a network of over 312 organisations, key government ministries, departments, and individuals that believes that education is the most critical empowerment tool for girls. GCN programs are geared towards promotion and protection of girls through education. GCN promotes informed and educated girls who are able to demand their rights and protect themselves from abuse and neglect. Their holistic approach incorporates grassroots cultural sensitisation with policy advocacy to ensure sustainable girl-focussed education and empowerment outcomes. GCN has been implementing educational programming in various communities since 2007, with the aim of promoting access, retention, performance, and transition of girls in school. GCN works at five interdependent levels: policy, communities, families, schools and learners.
In partnership with EAC, GCN is implementing the Our Right to Learn! project in the Kajiado, Tana River and Garissa counties of Kenya. Girls are severely under-represented in schools in these three counties. The project seeks to enroll 31,350 out of school children in marginalized arid and semi-arid regions in Kenya.
For more information about this EAC Implementing Partner, please visit the Girl Child Network website.