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EAA Foundation Host Critical Discussion on Education’s Role in Combatting the Climate Crisis at HLPF 2024

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The Education Above All (EAA) Foundation, in partnership with the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations, Generation Unlimited (UNICEF), UNDP and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), hosted a side event titled “Education to Combat the Climate Crisis” during the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF 2024) on Sustainable Development. This pivotal discussion took place on July 8th at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The HLPF annual meeting is the core United Nations platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the global level. This year's HLPF 2024, under the theme "Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and Eradicating Poverty in Times of Multiple Crises: The Effective Delivery of Sustainable, Resilient, and Innovative Solutions," focused on several Sustainable Development Goals, including urgent actions to combat climate change and its impacts.

Welcoming remarks were delivered by Mr. Mohammed Al Nasser, Deputy Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations who set the stage for a meaningful dialogue. The keynote address by Mr. Kevin Frey, CEO of Generation Unlimited, emphasized the critical role of education in addressing global environmental challenges and the importance of empowering youth to lead climate action in their communities.

The climate crisis presents severe threats and disproportionately affects vulnerable communities at the front lines of environmental changes. During the session, EAA explored how education can significantly mitigate these impacts by fostering resilience and empowering communities with sustainable solutions. The discussion featured a panel of distinguished speakers, including Ms. Catalina Duarte Salcedo, Education Specialist with UNICEF Colombia; Ms. Susana Puerto, Head of the Youth Employment Accelerator at the ILO; Ms. Srilata Kammila, Head of Climate Change Adaptation at the UNDP; Mr. Darren Karjama, Partnerships and Outreach Specialist at the Green Climate Fund; Ms. Maleiha Malik, Executive Director of PEIC at EAA; Ms. Noura Al-Kaabi, Strategic Partnerships Researcher, Qatar Fund for Development, and Ms. Salwa Al Kuwari, a youth advocate from EAA, with Mr. George Tavola from EAA moderating the event.

The panel delved into the intersections of education, environmental protection, and sustainable employment, emphasizing the need for innovative solutions to climate challenges. This discussion came at a critical time as the world deals with escalating climate threats, highlighting the need for educational strategies that lead to significant, climate-resilient changes. EAA reaffirmed its commitment to quality education as a crucial lever for sustainable development and peace. By focusing on educational interventions in areas facing severe environmental and climate challenges, EAA supports the building of more stable and inclusive societies.

EAA’s PEIC Executive Director, Ms. Maleiha Malik, emphasised the event's importance, stating, “We urge the global community to recognise the vital role of education in combatting climate change. This forum represented an opportunity to galvanize support and accelerate efforts towards transformative education strategies that can mitigate climate risks, build resilience, and catalyse innovative approaches towards more sustainable educational and environmental outcomes. Furthermore, EAA is committed to empowering young people, especially those who have experienced the impacts of climate change, to take action for present and future generations.” The event marked a cornerstone for future initiatives and partnerships aimed at integrating educational strategies with climate action plans. 

The "Education to Combat the Climate Crisis" side-event, hosted by the Education Above All Foundation, underscored education's role in addressing the climate emergency. It delved into how educational systems can both protect the environment and foster sustainable job creation. The event also highlighted the development of climate-resilient livelihoods through educational pathways leading to sustainable employment, alongside investments in new technologies and industries aimed at mitigating climate impacts.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Patience Rusare
Senior Media Specialist

Mohamed Al-Amri
Senior Media Relations Specialist


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

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