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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Zero Out of School Children in Rwanda

To reach the country’s remaining out of school children (OOSC) with quality primary education, Educate A Child has partnered with Save the Children to implement the Zero Out of School Children in Rwanda project. The project goal is to improve access to and retention in equitable primary education for all Rwandan boys and girls thereby ensuring no remaining OOSC. The project seeks to sustainably address the financial, physical, structural/technical, and social barriers to education by:

  • Strengthening strategies and practices for the enrollment and retention of OOSC at school level;
  • Empowering communities and families to promote enrollment and retention of OOSC; and
  • Strengthening policies and data systems for the identification, enrollment and retention of OOSC.


  • Poverty
  • Harmful gender norms
  • Over-age status
  • Child protection issues
  • Refugee status
  • Lack of school Infrastructure Children special-learning needs
  • Disability
  • Malnutrition


  • Linking families to social benefits programs and livelihood opportunities
  • Provision of school materials
  • Community mobilisation
  • Remedial education programmes
  • School clubs
  • Home visits
  • Psychosocial support
  • Construction of classrooms
  • Capacity development of teachers
  • Training and mentoring teachers on the use of adapted technologies and on inclusive teaching methods
  • School feeding programs


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